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TEAM GEORGIA CAREERS A world of opportunity.


Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities


DBHDD operates state hospitals and provides for community-based services across the state through contracted providers. The department serves people living with mental health challenges, substance use disorders, intellectual and developmental disabilities, or any combination of these. As Georgia’s public safety net, our primary responsibility is to serve people who are uninsured. We also serve individuals on Medicaid and others with few resources or options.

Our program divisions are:
• Behavioral Health
• Developmental Disabilities
• Hospital Services


Our team is dedicated and compassionate with a commitment to transparency and accountability, but we can only do this work in partnership with providers, civic officials, and citizens. Together, we can continue to make recovery and independence real!

Vision: Easy access to high-quality care that leads to a life of recovery and independence for the people we serve.

Mission: Leading an accountable and effective continuum of care to support Georgians with behavioral health challenges, and intellectual and developmental disabilities in a dynamic health care environment.

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