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Campus Police Officer-PT-Talent Pool

Law Enforcement
Atlanta Technical College
Performs specialized police work in protecting life and property, preventing violations, enforcing laws and regulations on college property and apprehending violators within police jurisdiction.  Patrols campus areas on foot or by motorized vehicle; issues citations and warnings.  Directs traffic and enforces traffic laws and regulations.  Maintains watch over buildings and grounds; checks doors and windows.  Observes and /or investigates suspicious actions or persons, and dangerous or defective conditions.  Reports and investigates accidents, vandalism, thefts, and fire.   Gives directions and other information to the public as requested.  Maintains records of accidents and investigations.  Supports students, faculty, and staff on matters regarding campus regulations.  Investigates traffic accidents, questions drivers and witnesses, and assists injured; records pertinent data describing scene and circumstances.   Ability to meet the qualifying standard established for POST positions.  Applicants must also successfully pass the pre-employment process and meet other requirements for certification as a peace officer by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council (POST).   Applicants must meet the following medical standards: Vision of 20/60 uncorrected in each eye, and corrected vision to 20/40 or better in both eyes with glasses or contact lenses.  Ability to read, and write reports, comprehend and respond to business correspondence, and instructional materials; ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from students, managers, and the general public; ability to solve practical problems and deal with a variety of both concrete and abstract ideas. Although certified officers will be employed in an “off-duty” capacity from their respective agencies, officers must be uniformed and actively employed by a law enforcement agency with jurisdiction and powers of arrest within the boundaries of the physical property of Atlanta Technical College.  Shifts for individual officers will be coordinated through the Atlanta Technical College Department of Public Safety and Security.


High School diploma or GED and be Georgia POST certified.


Considerable knowledge of standard police practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of first-aid and fire prevention techniques.  Effective oral and written communications skills.  Ability to understand and carry out oral and written instructions.  Ability to conduct investigations and prepare reports. Ability to enforce campus regulations.  

WORK SCHEDULE: Must be able to work a flexible schedule. 

Background screenings are conducted prior to employment.

As set forth in its student catalog, Atlanta Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, veteran status, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law). For further information regarding these laws (Title VI and IX) contact Mattie Goss, Director of Student Services, Special Needs and Equity, Academic and Student Affairs Division, Atlanta Technical College, Cleveland Dennard Center, Suite B174, 404.225.4446. Email: mgoss@atlantatech.edu. To request reasonable accommodations upon enrollment (Section 504/ADA), contact Mattie Goss, Director of Student Services, Special Needs and Equity, Atlanta Technical College, Academic and Student Affairs Division, Cleveland Dennard Building, Suite B168, 404.225.4446. Email: mgoss@atlantatech.edu. Faculty and staff with questions about equity or reasonable accommodations should contact The Human Resources Department, Cleveland Dennard Building, suite 217, Atlanta Technical College 1560 Metropolitan Pkwy. SW, Atlanta Georgia 30310.

High school diploma or GED AND successful completion of Basic Mandate Law Enforcement Training.

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